Remarkable Mothers Share Experiences of Raising Warriors 

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Written By Alyssa Mackay

An inspiring group of women will come together to share their personal insights on raising resilient daughters at a special International Women’s Day (IWD) event next month. 

Kedron-Wavell’s morning tea event on Saturday, 8 March will feature mothers of past IWD speakers as they discuss the practical aspects of ‘Raising Warriors’. Among the guest speakers is Elise Stapleton, mother of open-water swimmer Brianna Thompson, who in 2019 became Australia’s second youngest person to complete a double English Channel crossing in one day.    

Elise said ‘raising warriors’ meant providing a safe and supportive environment for daughters to explore their dreams, express themselves and build resilience. 

“Supporting Brianna has been a privilege, to be by her side as she has tackled the different challenges these swims raise, being able to celebrate the successes and support her through the tough times,” Elise said.  

“Sharing the highs and lows is what makes our mother/daughter relationship so much stronger on every level. I’m extremely proud of her and the woman she has become.” 

Lessons from Mothers of Warriors

Elise will be joined on stage by Christine Blanchard, mother of umpire Mel Blanchard, Sue Morrison, mother of emergency services worker Charlotte Morrison, and Joy McHugh, mother of Natalie McHugh.  

The women will reflect on their experiences raising strong daughters, with Elise recalling a particularly emotional moment during the final hours of Brianna’s two-way crossing swim when she realised her daughter was struggling.  

“As a mum, I wanted to comfort her but I knew she would not have wanted to stop the swim,” Elise said. “She had come so far and was so close. Instead, I simply called to her to put her head down and keep swimming. I had to take the emotion out to push her through.” 

She added that she hoped attendees would walk away from the morning tea with the understanding that “anything is possible” and that “we are all warriors and our dreams are worth chasing.” 

Brianna said she was happy to see her mother speak at the event. 

“I feel it’s great that Mum has the opportunity to share her perspectives of our journey together and hear it from her side, as I know it wasn’t always an easy road, but it definitely brought us closer as mother and daughter,” Brianna said. 

Tickets for Raising Warriors are $10 and include a plated morning tea. Book your tickets here.   

International Women’s Day Raising Warriors 

  • Saturday, 8 March, 9.30am (doors 9am) 
  • Kedron-Wavell (Sky Lounge) 
  • 21 Kittyhawk Drive, Chermside.

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